1. Increase Storage Capacity

Today, data is generating in a high volume and it’s difficult to store it with security. Most of the companies require a place where they can securely store their data.

So many businesses are adopting cloud computing and it has been predicted that the Cloud providers will provide more data centers at a lower price as there is a large competition between them. With the help of the more in your company will be able to store the data.

2. Enhanced Performance of Internet


With the help of the Internet of Things, the quality of the internet can be increased. With the help of the IoT and Cloud Computing, we can store data in the cloud, for further analyze & provide enhanced performance.

The users expect high-quality fast-loading services and application. The network provided will be faster and the ability to receive and deliver that data will be quick.

3. Modular Software Will Be Priority

The size of an individual program along with the complexity is increasing regularly.  This leads to the fact that Cloud technology will soon require advance system thinking.

We can see software development from many angles because in the future applications will store in places other than the cloud. This application will store on different modules, on servers of different Cloud Service.

This can also reduce the cost of software as placing components of the program on different storage is economical.

4. Internet of Things Along With Cloud Computing

The internet of things is also one of the leading Technology is it comes with continuous innovation in real time Data Analytics and cloud computing. There are many machine-to-machine communication, data, and process occurring. We can do it easily with the help of cloud computing.

5. Data Shows How Future Changes

The cloud computing market is growing at 22.8 percent and will exceed $127.5 after 2018. By 2018, 62% of all CRM software will be cloud-based. Moreover, 30% of all application spending is for software as a service based applications.

6. Improvement in Cloud Services

Cloud Computing includes:

  1. Infrastructure as a service
  2. Platform as a service
  3. Software as a service

With this service, we can achieve our desired goals. There are many researchers which have proved that Cloud Computing will be one of the leading technologies in the future as the software as a service solution will account for more than 60% of the workload.

It also has been predicted that the platform as a service and infrastructure as a service will increase gradually as it has been used in most of the organizations. Cloud Computing is user-friendly and is compatible for both new as well as old organizations.

7. Security

The data which are stored in the cloud is secure but not fully. The small companies which are providing cloud services may or may not provide proper security to the data.

So in the future, we can prevent from cyber attacks by providing better security. The cloud providers provide better security measures opening balance ways to prevent cyber attacks.

8. Modular Software

Companies are using much software, which is yet to modify. This leads to the fact that cloud computing requires modified software, which will provide better security and facilities. This software will be more user-friendly and flexible to use.

One of the major advantages of this software will be that it will save the overall cost as well as time. We can see from the below graph, companies providing services and software are also improving.

9. Economic

If cloud computing will continue to evolve the use of hardware will be less as most of the work will be done with the help of cloud computing and virtualization. We can save the setup cost of software by dividing it and this will lead to decreasing the use of hardware.

If the evolution continues the data stored in the cloud will get analyzed with the help of a machine and it won’t require any human help.


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